Jackie Sanderson

Business Engagement Executive, Interface

Jackie Sanderson

.Jackie comes from a strong entrepreneurial background, having successfully created her own businesses in the food and drink industry. She brings a wealth of experience in start-ups and has a unique perspective on accelerators and incubators through her personal ventures. Throughout her career, she has supported and mentored numerous entrepreneurial ventures. Jackie is particularly passionate about Scottish businesses and dedicates her free time to being a founding board member of the Glasgow Basket Brigade. This volunteer organisation aims to provide food and essential items to those facing hardships in Glasgow. As a former client of Interface, Jackie has subsequently joined the Interface team and has personally witnessed the benefits of successful collaborations between businesses and academia.

Jackie Sanderson

Appearing at the following session

Sofa Session 8 | Connecting businesses and academia

Find out how Interface can support your business growth ambitions and stimulate innovation by enabling access to academic expertise. (By Interface)

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