2022 Sessions

    [title] => Wade Davis, Global Inclusion Expert (Google, Viacom, Netflix)
    [description] => Why the tech industry needs a moral revolution
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    [video] => 

[resources_link] => ) 1

Wade Davis, Global Inclusion Expert (Google, Viacom, Netflix)

Why the tech industry needs a moral revolution

    [title] => Marie-Anne Chiromo, Business Growth & Effectiveness Specialist (Hogal Lovells, UnLtd, EY and Apple)
    [description] => The do or die economics of inclusion. DEFINITELY believe the hype
    [thumbnail] => Array
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    [video] => 

[resources_link] => ) 1

Marie-Anne Chiromo, Business Growth & Effectiveness Specialist (Hogal Lovells, UnLtd, EY and Apple)

The do or die economics of inclusion. DEFINITELY believe the hype

    [title] => Gayemarie Brown, Forbes Top Tech Futurist & CEO, Wintam Place Consulting
    [description] => If innovation matters – why is it so hard?
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    [video] => 

[resources_link] => ) 1

Gayemarie Brown, Forbes Top Tech Futurist & CEO, Wintam Place Consulting

If innovation matters – why is it so hard?

    [title] => ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) – A Driving Force for Value Creation
    [description] => Including Deborah Gilshan (Chair)
Founder, The 100% Club; 

Michelle Kinnaird
Head of Investment Management, Scottish Enterprise; 

Nick Jones
Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Zumo; 

Annabel Thomas
CEO, Nc'Nean
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    [video] => 

[resources_link] => ) 1

ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) – A Driving Force for Value Creation

Including Deborah Gilshan (Chair) Founder, The 100% Club; Michelle Kinnaird Head of Investment Management, Scottish Enterprise; Nick Jones Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Zumo; Annabel Thomas CEO, Nc'Nean

    [title] => Climate Action – Are SMEs the missing link?
    [description] => Including Stuart Patrick CBE
Chief Executive, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce; 

Amy Peace
Innovation Lead - Circular Economy, Innovate UK; 

Ifey Kanu
Founder and CEO, Intellidigest; 

Michael Groves
Founder and CEO, Topolytics; 

Dr Steve Welch
Director of IDEAS, KTN
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    [video] => 

[resources_link] => ) 1

Climate Action – Are SMEs the missing link?

Including Stuart Patrick CBE Chief Executive, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce; Amy Peace Innovation Lead - Circular Economy, Innovate UK; Ifey Kanu Founder and CEO, Intellidigest; Michael Groves Founder and CEO, Topolytics; Dr Steve Welch Director of IDEAS, KTN

    [title] => Tech-driven Disrupters Reshaping the Future of Food
    [description] => Including Dr Hannah Rudman (Chair)
Co-Director of the Thriving Natural Capital Challenge Centre, SRUC; 

Benita Rajania
Product Director, Liberty Produce; 

Sarah Middlemiss
COO, Ecometrica; 

Alex McIntosh
Project Manager, Trade in Space
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    [video] => 

[resources_link] => ) 1

Tech-driven Disrupters Reshaping the Future of Food

Including Dr Hannah Rudman (Chair) Co-Director of the Thriving Natural Capital Challenge Centre, SRUC; Benita Rajania Product Director, Liberty Produce; Sarah Middlemiss COO, Ecometrica; Alex McIntosh Project Manager, Trade in Space

    [title] => Will Technology Transform the Arts?
    [description] => Including Caroline Parkinson (Chair)
Director of Creative, Edinburgh Futures Institute; 

Dan May
Art Director, Painting Practice (Black Mirror, Gravity and His Dark Materials); 

Yassmine Najime
Producer, Painting Practice; 

Damien Smith
Founding Partner, Isodesign; 

Verena Henn
Head of Research & Innovation, isoLABS
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    [video] => 

[resources_link] => ) 1

Will Technology Transform the Arts?

Including Caroline Parkinson (Chair) Director of Creative, Edinburgh Futures Institute; Dan May Art Director, Painting Practice (Black Mirror, Gravity and His Dark Materials); Yassmine Najime Producer, Painting Practice; Damien Smith Founding Partner, Isodesign; Verena Henn Head of Research & Innovation, isoLABS

    [title] => Reframing with Design Thinking
    [description] => Including Stevie McGowan (Chair)
The Centre for Civic Innovation, Glasgow City Council;

Lynne Martin
Design for Business Strategic Lead, V&A Dundee; 

Katie Murrie
Lead Consultant, Service Design Academy; 

Elaine Baxter
Director, Boutique Innovation; 
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    [video] => 

[resources_link] => ) 1

Reframing with Design Thinking

Including Stevie McGowan (Chair) The Centre for Civic Innovation, Glasgow City Council; Lynne Martin Design for Business Strategic Lead, V&A Dundee; Katie Murrie Lead Consultant, Service Design Academy; Elaine Baxter Director, Boutique Innovation;

    [title] => The Power of Tech-enabled Business Models with a Mission
    [description] => Including Susan Harkins (Chair)
Head Of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, South of Scotland Enterprise; 

Rachel Jones
Founder, Snapdragon; 

Christine Bamford
CEO, Women's Coin | Founder, Stepping Up Diversity Education; 

Don McIntyre
Design Director, Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre
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    [video] => 

[resources_link] => ) 1

The Power of Tech-enabled Business Models with a Mission

Including Susan Harkins (Chair) Head Of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, South of Scotland Enterprise; Rachel Jones Founder, Snapdragon; Christine Bamford CEO, Women's Coin | Founder, Stepping Up Diversity Education; Don McIntyre Design Director, Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre

    [title] => Purpose is Everything
    [description] => Including: Hazel Jane (Chair)
Convenor, Can Do Collective; 

Melina Shannon-DiPietro (Copenhagen)
Executive Director, MAD (Danish for food); 

Ryan Cochrane
Chief Operating Officer, Good-Loop; 

Dr Helen Wright
President and Executive Trustee, Changing the Chemistry
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    [video] => 

[resources_link] => ) 1

Purpose is Everything

Including: Hazel Jane (Chair) Convenor, Can Do Collective; Melina Shannon-DiPietro (Copenhagen) Executive Director, MAD (Danish for food); Ryan Cochrane Chief Operating Officer, Good-Loop; Dr Helen Wright President and Executive Trustee, Changing the Chemistry

    [title] => Minding the (Skills) Gap for Digital Transformation
    [description] => Including Gianluca Palombo
Programme Manager, CodeYourFuture; 

Shannon Morales (Pennsylvania)
Founder & CEO, Tribaja; 

Christine Bamford
CEO, Women's Coin | Founder, Stepping Up Diversity Education; 

Fiona Young
Vice President, Capgemini Invent UK; 

Phil Ford (Chair)
Head of Digital Technologies and Financial Services, Skills Development Scotland
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    [video] => 

[resources_link] => ) 1

Minding the (Skills) Gap for Digital Transformation

Including Gianluca Palombo Programme Manager, CodeYourFuture; Shannon Morales (Pennsylvania) Founder & CEO, Tribaja; Christine Bamford CEO, Women's Coin | Founder, Stepping Up Diversity Education; Fiona Young Vice President, Capgemini Invent UK; Phil Ford (Chair) Head of Digital Technologies and Financial Services, Skills Development Scotland

    [title] => Business Support Session
    [description] => Including Dr Stuart Fancey - Director of Research and Innovation, Scottish Funding Council; Dr Paul Cross - Innovation Team Leader, Scottish Enterprise; Louise Macdonald OBE FRSE - National Director, The Institute of Directors Scotland (Chair)
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    [video] => 

[resources_link] => ) 1

Business Support Session

Including Dr Stuart Fancey - Director of Research and Innovation, Scottish Funding Council; Dr Paul Cross - Innovation Team Leader, Scottish Enterprise; Louise Macdonald OBE FRSE - National Director, The Institute of Directors Scotland (Chair)

    [title] => SMEStage Winners
    [description] => The successful candidates; FC Laboratories Ltd, Cheemia ReSET and Danu Robotics Ltd joined us on our virtual #SMEStage
    [thumbnail] => Array
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    [video] => 

[resources_link] => ) 1

SMEStage Winners

The successful candidates; FC Laboratories Ltd, Cheemia ReSET and Danu Robotics Ltd joined us on our virtual #SMEStage

    [title] => Opening address - Road mapping for success
    [description] => Including Kate Forbes MSP – Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy, Scottish Government; Indro Mukerjee – CEO of Innovate UK; Dr. Susie Mitchell - Programme Director, Glasgow City of Science and Innovation
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    [video] => 

[resources_link] => ) 1

Opening address - Road mapping for success

Including Kate Forbes MSP – Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy, Scottish Government; Indro Mukerjee – CEO of Innovate UK; Dr. Susie Mitchell - Programme Director, Glasgow City of Science and Innovation